Karača Beljak, Tamara has received her B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in ethnomusicology at the Academy of Music of the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She is a professor of ethnomusicology and Vice-rector for Arts, Culture and Sports at the University of Sarajevo. Her primary area of scholarly interest and specialization is vocal music tradition in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially sevdalinka. She regularly presents the results of her research on national and international conferences and in scholarly publications. She is an active member of the Musicological Society of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and secretary of ICTM National Committee for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her professional experience also includes presentations and invited lectures. She acted as the musical editor for the former Radio Sarajevo. She is the author of numerous radio and television serials dedicated to the traditional music of Bosnia and Herzegovina. She also created a series of anthological audio releases related to Bosnian and Herzegovinian traditional music. She is the director of the Etnoakademik ensemble which works at the Music Academy of the University in Sarajevo. She is also an author of the book Zvučni krajolici-osvrt na vokalne stilove Bosne i Hercegovine (Soundscapes-reflection on vocal styles of Bosnia and Herzegovina), Uvod u etnomuzikologiju- etnomuzikološka čitanka (Introduction to ethnomusicology- an ethnomusicological handbook of Bosnia and Herzegovina), and she is the co- author of Vodič kroz tradicionalnu narodnu muziku BiH (A guide through traditional folk music of Bosnia and Herzegovina).